Thursday, November 22, 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Маленькая Бэль из "Красавицы и чудовища"... Little Bell from "Beauty and the Beast"

Яркие цвета ОСЕНИ... Bright colors of the FALL!

Fall from Irina Anderson on Vimeo.


Jump Jump from Irina Anderson on Vimeo.

Малышка Виола!

Сонненькая :)

Учимся стоять без поддержки!
С подружкой :)

Учимся делиться игрушками!

MAMA from Irina Anderson on Vimeo.

Friday, November 2, 2007

TWO CHOICES...... Два выбора

I loved this one when my friend sent it to me! Really funny!

Life decisions that people have to make are never simple. The importance of the initial decision should always be examined over the long run. Memories made and cherished are sure to be tempered along the way. Consider the following two choices...

I get a Dog ... ?????

...or have children?

Завести собаку...???

...или детей?

And this is our little puppy Viola :)
А это НАША маленькая собачка Виола :)

Dancing... Алексия очень любит танцевать!

Почти каждый вечер Алексия говорит - "Мама, Аесия очет музыка" :)

Untitled from Irina Anderson on Vimeo.

Alexia s mamochkoy from Irina Anderson on Vimeo.


Splash splash from Irina Anderson on Vimeo.